$25 Per Day


Payment can be made in cash or by credit card.

The Ground Zero Music Fest has on-site vehicle parking available, however we have limited capacity.

When you pull into Mansfield Park you will be directed to vehicle parking by our parking crew.

You will be required to pay the attendant that parks you before leaving your vehicle.

You will recieve a "paid" parking slip to be placed in clear site on the dash of your vehicle.

Vehicles that do not have a "paid" parking slip will be towed and removed from the property at your expense.

All Vehicles in the "paid" parking lot(s) must be removed by 1:00 AM or be subject to towing at the owners expense.

There will be no camping, sleeping or overnight occupancy in any vehicle in the "paid" parking area(s).

The Ground Zero Music Fest is not responsible for any damage or theft of any vehicle, or any contents inside of your vehicle.

We do not recommend leaving any valuables in your vehicle.